jueves, 22 de enero de 2009

Efficient Diary 1.0 Build 8-Práctico diario personal protegido por contraseña

Efficient Diary es un diario personal que utiliza una interfaz similar a la de Outlook. Cada nueva entrada puede editarse en texto enriquecido, con una amplia gama de emoticonos y la posibilidad de cambiar la fecha.

Nada más instalarse, Efficient Diary solicita la creación de una contraseña, que sirve para proteger los contenidos. Conviene que no la olvides si no quieres perder todos los datos del diario. Por otro lado, cada entrada puede exportarse, y puedes hacer copias de seguridad de todo el diario.

Si con el sistema de carpetas no consigues encontrar una entrada, el botón Search te proporciona un rápido buscador con múltiples criterios. Y si borras algún ítem, este no se perderá de inmediato, sino que Efficient Diary lo moverá a la papelera integrada.

Fácil de usar, con un aspecto agradable y bastante seguro, Efficient Diary es una excelente opción. La única pega, tal vez, es que no tenga un corrector ortográfico, algo útil en este tipo de programas.

Descargar Efficient Diary 1.0 Build 8 en Softonic

Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor 4.7-Paso a paso, aprende mecanografía a tu ritmo

¿Sabías que era posible teclear con más de dos dedos a la vez? Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor nos lo demostrará, mejorando nuestro nivel de mecanografía de forma divertida y a nuestro propio ritmo, mediante las instrucciones de un simpático vikingo, los sabios consejos de un mago y un par de juegos que mejorarán nuestra destreza.

Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor, diseñado tanto para alumnos como para profesores, es un completo tutorial que nos enseñará el arte de la mecanografía. Primero, querrá saber algunas cosas sobre ti y tu forma de teclear, así como el nivel que quiera alcanzar. Te mostrará a continuación la postura adecuada para sentarse a trabajar y no lastimarte la espalda.

Pero la parte principal del programa está en su motor de aprendizaje, primero de la posición de las manos y asignación de teclas a cada uno de los dedos (mediante animaciones muy logradas), segundo en la velocidad y precisión del tecleo, con informes muy completos y consejos respecto a lo que puedes mejorar. Esta parte se la lleva el mago, que nos enseñará el uso del dedo adecuado. Para completar el curso, podrás usar tus propios textos o jugar aprendiendo con sus dos juegos.

Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor es también una herramienta pedagógica para profesores, ya que ofrece la posibilidad de una instalación en red, ideal para escuelas, universidades e incluso para empresas y demás organizaciones que quieran inculcar a sus empleados el arte de la mecanografía, y accesoriamente mejorar su rendimiento.

Descargar Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor 4.7 en Softonic

SMath Studio 0.75-Realiza cualquier tipo de cálculo en una libreta virtual

La comodidad de una libreta de papel consiste en la posibilidad de posicionar cálculos y gráficos donde más se prefiera. En muchos programas de cálculo, esto no es así.

SMath Studio es un programa de cálculo que rescata el símil con la libreta, proporcionando un área de trabajo cuadriculada que recuerda el papel. Para escribir una fórmula en SMath Studio sólo hay que posicionar el puntero en una zona cualquiera y teclear.

Puedes insertar la mayoría de fórmulas y símbolos de SMath Studio desde los paneles situados a la derecha. La edición de cada elemento es muy sencilla y similar a la de otros editores. Para reorganizar los elementos, basta con arrastrarlos por su borde.

La segunda faceta de SMath Studio, la del cálculo, tampoco se queda corta. Escribiendo el símbolo = la expresión será resuelta en un lapso de tiempo que puedes consultar en la barra de estado. En el menú Calcular, además, tienes otras opciones, como invertir, simplificar o diferenciar.

Utilizar SMath Studio es placentero y divertido. Su mayor punto débil es la falta de opciones de impresión y exportación, que se limitan al guardado en formato HTML. Con todo, su potencia no te dejará indiferente.

Descargar SMath Studio 0.75 en Softonic

Walkie Tonky prototype-Kick and stomp your way through a cityscape

Walkie Tonky is a physics based scrolling 'walk 'em up', where you take control of a giant alien robot, intent on destroying human civilization.

Physics based games are ten a penny these days, but Walkie Tonky manages to to stand out of the crowd enough to check out. The simple and home-made feel of the graphics make it visually pleasing, and the gameplay is quite unusual. The scrolling never stops, so you have to make sure your rampaging robot doesn't get stuck. As Godzilla discovered, humans defend themselves with tanks, helicopters and jets, which can be picked up and thrown at them.

Control is with the mouse and keyboard, and takes a bit of getting used to. Once you have, it's pretty fun managing to keeping out of danger, dodging missiles, kicking tanks and buildings. If you have the impression this is an aggressive, violent game, it really isn't. The giant robot's gentle plodding, and ambient electronic music make it quite relaxing, in a chaotic way. This version has only one level, but completing it and beating the boss opens up a 'challenge mode', which adds some longevity to this free indie game.

There are some quirks in the Walkie Talkie engine - sometimes your projectiles get stuck on enemy craft, and amusingly you can catch some one the rebound and use them again.

Walkie Tonky is a fun and attractive game, though it's not long enough to seriously eat into your time.

Download Walkie Tonky prototype in Softonic

Monkey's Audio 4.03-Compress audio files without no quality loss

Monkey’s Audio is a lossless audio compressor which aims to reduce the size of audio files as much as possible without losing any sound quality. The program uses its own file format, .ape, which is known to have a better compression rate than the lossless FLAC format, but files tend to be larger than lossy compression formats like MP3 or AAC.

We recommend using Monkey’s Audio to compress audio CDs to your PC. Your songs will not lose their quality but will take up less space than if they were uncompressed. What’s more, Monkey’s Audio handles tag support, keeping all your file information, like artist name, track numbers and playing time.

Monkey’s Audio can decompress files back to their original type without losing any quality and the program features an option to verify the MD5 checksum of compressed files. Compressed .ape files can play in any of the major media players and the program can also install a plug-in to compress audio files directly from Winamp.

Monkey’s Audio is a great solution if you’re worried about losing any quality when compressing audio files. However, because it only compresses to .ape, you’re pretty much stuck with playing your converted files on your PC. To enjoy them on your mobile music player you’ll have to use another program, like dbpowerAMP Music Converter or Switch Free, to convert your audio files to MP3 or AAC, which remain the most widely supported audio formats.

Download Monkey's Audio 4.03 in Softonic

wReplace 1.2-Replace multiple text strings at the same time

'Find and replace' is a function I use a lot on both my word processor and plain text editor. This is why I was glad to find wReplace, a special editor that improves this useful function.

wReplace is a basic text editor – like Notepad – but with a distinctively enhanced 'Find and replace' tool that enables you to search and replace different letters, words or texts strings, all of them at the same time.

All you have to do is load the text file on the program's interface and click the 'Replace Many' button (or just hit F6). wReplace will then open a secondary window where you can start creating a list of all the elements in the text file that need to be replaced by others. When you finish the list, click Replace All and you're done.

wReplace comes in especially handy when you have a text file garbled with characters from a different language encoding systems (Unicode, Cyrillic, etc).

The only thing that annoys me is that you have to enter each element in the replacement list manually, as you can't copy and paste from the document opened in the program's main window.

If you use 'Find and replace' a lot in your text editor, you're going to find wReplace very useful.

Download wReplace 1.2 in Softonic

Internet Download Manager 5.15-A quick download manager compatible with many browsers

High speed Internet connections are quite common now but that doesn’t mean we don’t sometimes need some help when it comes to downloading game demos, videos, MP3 collections and other big files. So, even if you’re enjoying the fastest router in the neighborhood, take a look at Internet Download Manager, because it really has a lot to offer.

This excellent app will take care of all your downloads from the moment you install it on your PC. You can add new download tasks from the program’s interface but the usual thing is to let it capture the links. This means that every time you click on a certain file type (which can be specified through configuration options), IDM will handle the download for itself rather than letting the browser do the job. It’s a really handy option because everything is automatic: no changing from one app to another, no copying and pasting links, just no hassle at all. Also, it works with all major web browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera.

Once IDM captures the link, you can either start to download the file right away or add it to a download list for later, which can be a good alternative if you need all of your bandwidth for the moment and plan to leave the computer on during the night. Downloads can be classified into custom categories right before starting them and can also be resumed if the connection is lost or broken for some reason.

As regards download speeds, Internet Download Manager does meet expectations, although it all depends on your Internet access. That is, don’t expect to download at the speed of light if you’re still using one of those old-fashioned 56K modems. Anyhow, IDM achieves quite satisfying download rates as a result of establishing multiple thread connections to servers. Also, it displays a small window with some interesting information about the download process: transfer rate, data downloaded so far, time left and a neat progress bar for each thread.

The program’s configuration menu displays a wide range of functions and tools devoted to handling your downloads, such as checking files for viruses directly from IDM with your own antivirus system or limiting the amount of bandwidth used by the program. There’s also support for server authentication and proxy, FTP and HTTPS servers.

The fact of the matter is, we couldn’t really find anything wrong with Internet Download Manager. It does its job and does it pretty well, so even if your Internet connection speed is far beyond the usual limits, you should definitely give it a try.

Download Internet Download Manager 5.15 in Softonic